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Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and what a fun little holiday! I love it for the excuse to buy all sorts of small gifts for my Little Diva and of course the candy (gummy cherry hearts are the best!) and chocolate!  But this year, maybe you want to try a little something different? Here’s a great, easy and fast activity that is perfect for Valentine’s Day.

10 Things

So here’s the big activity!  Do it for the people you love the most; you respect the most; or for those who need it the most!  I like to do this with index cards but any piece of paper or writing surface will for sure work.

On the top write 10 things.  Then add in whatever you want following that. Like…10 Things I Love About You..or 10 Things I Like About You. You could also use 10 Things Why You Should Be Mine!  Obviously the possibilities are endless! And come on!  Who wouldn’t want to receive this as a Valentine?

Deliver Your Gift

You can send it in the real mail (score!) or even just put it on someone’s desk or workspace.  As an alternative- write an email or social media message app.  Either way, it’s still special!  I deem anything great that someone actually took time out of their lives to make someone happy a huge win.  We are all in the blur of life and doing something out of the ordinary takes effort!

I have actually used this technique for many years and not just for V-day.  We all have days where we are not at our peak or feeling super great.  As a friend (or wife, or mom or co-worker, etc) it is nice to write a little note to someone to remind them that they are doing a wonderful job or they really are appreciated.



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