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  • 15 and 30 in the pages of a book with the hating game cover in the background by sally thorne

Welp, it is certainly the 15th and you know what that means!!! Book suggestion coming up!  This one links in with another KellyMacLilac love.  And that love comes in the form of a person named Rachel Hollis.  Let me tell you why.  Rachel (I like to refer to her as just Rachel because clearly I have faked myself into believing that we are “for real” friends) runs a website (and concurring social media sites) that are my favorite and she’s my idol (cue a run- on sentence due to my doe-eyed endearing attitude).  She has fantastic ideas, she’s funny as all heck, and she’s real.  I have no clue how she does it all with such grace but she just does. Jealous. (Here is her website to check her out). I want to be her when I grow up despite the fact that she’s younger than me.

Moving on, let me get to the point.  I follow each media outlet that Rachel does because I like torturing myself seeing how others rock so hard at the web game.  A few weeks ago, Rachel suggested a book that was her favorite of this year (I’m not even trying to be suave since I’m pretty much fangirling it hardcore- it was on her Facebook page) and I read it that night.  That night in one sitting…and I have mono so you know it had to be just awesome. Her suggestions have never failed and I was in the mood for a book just like this.

So, in true September fashion (more on this tomorrow on the blog) I now bring you a book that is unlike the previous offerings (if you missed them they’re here and here).  I’ve pirouetted into the fun zone these days. Read on for more…

September 15th Book Suggestion

Title: The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

Category: Laugh, plot, snicker, swoon, repeat…then immediately re-read it because it was THAT good.

Full disclosure this book has a little heat in it if you catch my drift. But at its heart, this book is full-blown romance.  The author is new on the scene and writes humor so real and so hilarious you get sucked in to its vortex and don’t even want to come out! The Hating Game does have some actual hate in it (of course) in the form of workplace hate! This book is fun, light and as previously mentioned, addicting. Even though I knew I was going to post about it- I have already spread the love to my friends in my various book circles. Cannot wait for you all to read this! PS, Hi Rachel Hollis…yeah you guys we’re friends ok?



  • Christa

    Written on September 20, 2016

    I downloaded it after your suggestion. My friend and I have a 2 year New Years resolution to read one book each month. I was in a slump, not finding anything worth reading. I bought it Friday and finished it today. Was so funny and romantic at the same time. Thanks for the scoop!


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