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  • 15/30 in a book-like manner super imposed over a yellow dessert scene; second book suggestion for august

Back with my second August book suggestion!  I simply cannot believe that summer is coming to an end…but if it must then we certainly have to celebrate with some great book reads! I took this book pick from my archives since my work girls and I were discussing awesome literal tales and this one came up.  And, if your work girls all like it- it’s pretty much a slam dunk. I realize that my first two suggestions are for sure some serious reads.  (If you missed my first 15/30 post you can find it here). This is a reflection of my current mood especially since I am mourning summer a teeny bit.  So for the fall, I’m planning on mixing it up with some lighthearted, fun and spunky books. But for now, have a glorious holiday weekend and lay by the pool one last time while soaking up this gem.

August 30th Book Suggestions

Title:  A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

Category: It will make you think; it will make you cry; it will make you learn

The word I think of most when recalling this story is “blended”.  Hossieni is masterful at combining lives- and in this case he states it is a “mother-daughter” book.  Weaving a brilliant tale, this book takes you on a journey of love, loss, despair and hope. If you happened to read his other best-seller, The Kite Runnerand enjoyed that story then A Thousand Splendid Suns in a no-brainer of a choice.  In my humble option, I enjoyed Suns better but cannot really put my thumb on the exact reason.  I love both books and have suggested them among many circles. When recalling this book I always shout out “OK, you haven’t read that, you have to!!!” emphatically and ardently.  Clear your mind and settle in to another country and another setting while imagining all of the wonderful characters and imagery.


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