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Quick; close your eyes.  Think of your favorite place.  Why do you love it? Why do you long to be there? The answers you come up with may surprise you but they also may be the components of what really matters to you and your sanity!  This question is super easy for me to answer.  My favorite place?  The movies.  Hands down- with no competition.  I don’t care where I am or what I’m doing- I’m always game to go to the movies.

It doesn’t take a psychologist to figure out why.  I’m always running at super speed. I have a million things to do and about a millisecond to do it.  So the movies are my quiet time- my “ME” time and no one can bother me including my own mind.

I indulge in the silence and tranquility that accompanies the theater. I also get junk food and do not care about it- like at all.  I mean, who doesn’t love licorice and a soda?(no judging!) I will volunteer at a moment’s notice to participate in 2 whole hours of non-on time.  I sit in the comfy seats and think “entertain me” while shutting down all those firing neurotransmitters.  Most of the time I go to my local theater and I’m pretty sure they kinda know me. At one point in my life, I would have thought of this as a selfish endeavor, but now I realize that having an outlet is actually a necessity.  You are just plain happier when you take time for yourself and love what you are doing. An important lesson to learn before it is too late! Long live the silver screen and its’ inhabitants! Cheers to the movies!


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